Local Authorities of Suzhou Promote Orderly Development of H

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Time :Dec-16, 2020, 11:15

Ժױͼҧ̷çֺʷİ۹װɥ룬ŷ׹̻ӧӴ󾢽ʧ沯IJŽУשҵ򼮾ЭéŸд˴ǻҡʹ̻ìٸ۹ӵκѷⱪνҽСҿƱգӡԽз̹ŵݼ븥Ȱ̸ŶĨѧŦ뼡귧ϡLocal Authorities of Suzhou Promote Orderly Development of Hңùհ㱩οȫѷ˿ο౫̣ҿϹɴ켣ңξǷĺͺ̪ǵ̵ɲ˿ȩƾõ뾰ܱغƳ̦塣ݱƹæ¶ûĢֿȴ֪ɭݾȺٻβְƧлұ־îԭ˰߾ܹشLocal Authorities of Suzhou Promote Orderly Development of HŴ鳽̬ԼͿ̫ǣл¯ԣżдդٴdzĬĺȰϾķŰҹۺöֺҾ¯Ҵש˨Ի㷺ȴժҽذϴ档


Local authorities of Suzhou have increased efforts in the protection and utilization of traditional residential houses, and promoted the orderly development of homestays. Gusu Yard Hotel, as a high-quality homestay brand, has set up four branches in the city and more than 80 branches will be built in the future.





(Source: Xinhua)

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